online web builder

Content for the Web

Jacquelyn Pizzurro

Winter 2019


Presentation of Work

Take the time to check out my work from MACA 2725

MACA 2725  Content for the Web

MACA-2725 was created for web page designers and multimedia creators to learn how to plan what content should go on a web page, web social networks, or multimedia project. Students will demonstrate how to plan, design, and create content for web and interactive multimedia projects that can be used for both web and mobile devices.

Macomb Community College

If you live in Macomb County, chances are your life is touched by Macomb Community College every day. You will find our alumni in your doctor’s and veterinarian’s offices, police and fire departments, business and industry, as well as in Macomb’s own classrooms and offices. What draws our alumni back “home” is a mission that encompasses education, enrichment and economic development, making Macomb a major contributor to the community’s overall quality of life.


Select each project title to see the project details

Design Elements

Write a sentence or two about what this project is about.

Adobe Spark Page

The Evolution of Tabletop Games


Advantages to PC Gaming

Spark Video Story

New Events at the Daily Rind


Gaming Kingdom: Tabletop Gaming Resource

Social Media Posts

Free Tours - Annual Garden Walk Event

Online Ad / Landing Page

Learn to Play Dice Throne Free

Website Plan

Presentation of Work from MACA 2725

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